2-D Crush

A play by

Hina Siddiqui

Duration -   30 Minutes

No of characters -   2

Short Synopsis

A lives alone, possibly with some cats. For the past year, they have been coming to terms with their sexuality. They came out as bisexual when Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was finally struck down. However, they f...Read Full Synopsis

2-D Crush

A play By Hina Siddiqui

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A lives alone, possibly with some cats. For the past year, they have been coming to terms with their sexuality. They came out as bisexual when Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was finally struck down. However, they feel guilty about realizing things so late in life. They also feel the need for romance. But not sex. They have a feeling they may also be asexual. But they do want a romantic partner. They have been single for years now. A’s life currently comprises domestic chores, Zoom calls for work and binge-watching anime on Netflix. Their imagination is consumed by the beautiful characters and sad backstories of these 2-D people. So much so that every waking moment is full of conversations and imagined situations with these characters.


30   Minutes

No of characters